Remote Portugal Bank Setup Form
What you will need to complete this form:
1. 葡萄牙税号文件 (PDF版本) NIF Document (PDF version)
一个2页的由葡萄牙税务局开出的葡萄牙税号文件 A 2-page document provided by the Portuguese tax office.
2. 护照复印件 (PDF版本) Copy of passport (PDF version)
护照的扫描图像。如果您是旧护照请提供首页和尾页签字页;如果是新护照则只需要提供首页。请清晰扫描确保您的文件没有任何的阴影、瑕疵或者遮挡。A scanned image of your passport. Make sure that all fields are legible and the image does not contain any reflections or shadows.
3. 身份证复印件(中国) 或者 所在国家税卡或者税单 (PDF版本)
Copy of National Identification Number or National tax number in the country you resident (PDF version)
1) 身份证的扫描图像,或者税务单/税务卡的扫描图像。请清晰扫描以确保您的文件没有任何的阴影、瑕疵或者这点。A scanned image of your National Identification number. Make sure that all fields are legible and the image does not contain any reflections or shadows.
2)如果文件不是英文,请提供英文翻译 Provide an English translation if the document is not written in English
4. 地址证明文件 (PDF版本)/ Proof of address (PDF version)
This can be the first page of a bank statement, a utility bill, or a driver's license.
The document should include your name (as presented on your passport) and physical address.
- Provide an English translation if the document is not written in English
- 必须是葡萄牙境外的居住地址。
- Must be a residential address outside of Portugal.
- 我们不接受 P.O.框或商业地址。
- We do not accept P.O. boxes or business addresses.
5. 如您处于工作状态 If you are in working status
5.1 如果您是公司职员 For Employers
1)6个月以内开出的工作证明 (Statement of employment issued by the company within the past 6 months)
2)3个月的工资单 (Paystub issued within the past 3 months)
备注: 如果文件不是英文,请提供英文翻译
Note: Provide an English translation if the document is not written in English
5.2 如果您是自雇人员或者企业法人 For Self-Employed / Business Owners
可以是以下的文件 This can be any of the following:
一封带有银行抬头的信件,说明您拥有自己的企业账户(应包括公司名称和银行账户上的授权签字人)A letter on bank letterhead stating that you own your business account (should include Company name and authorized signers on bank account)
商业登记文件 Business registration documents
来自商业伙伴或客户的信函,表明您是贵公司的所有人 Letter from a business partner or client indicating that you are the owner of your company
备注: 如果文件不是英文,请提供英文翻译
Note: Provide an English translation if the document is not written in English
6. 如您处于退休状态 If you are in retirement status
1)退休证明 (Statement of retirement)
备注: 如果文件不是英文,请提供英文翻译
Note: Provide an English translation if the document is not written in English